This is a sandbox environment.
Return all publications (books and magazines) grouped in formats (Paperback, digital).
The product data is real but some data is dummy (communities of practice, series, business categories, keywords and total number of items).
Return all education programs and the courses related to each one.
Return all products that are not publications or education programs
Return a publication product
At least one of the parameters is required.
Return a product
At least one of the parameters is required.
Return all products from a user shopping cart
The above URL lists the shopping cart for the user "[email protected]", customerNumber 11191404.
Add one or more products to cart
The above URL adds a book to the cart for the user "[email protected]", customerNumber 11191404.
Get customer information based on the Customer Number
Return all Customers. If the updateDate parameter is present, it returns all customers that were added or modified after the date
Takes a latitude and a longitude and returns the 5 closest chapters
Both parameters are required.
Get customer digital orders which includes all benefits and downloads
Create a "free download" order for an eligible customer
*E-book productId. Identified by the proper format (PDF) in the product data
curl -X POST -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Postman-Token: ba8b6570-526f-ee9a-5029-8959d39049be" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW" -F "customerNumber=11125725" -F "productId=16125806" ""
{ "customerName":"Joel Verona Oliveira", "orderDate":"Jan 24, 2017", "orderNumber":"9004748404", "masterCustomerId":"11125725", "subCustomerId":0, "orderLineNumber":1, "productId":16125806, "productTitle":"Building Compliance Training That Actually Matters", "productSubTitle":"", "imgSrc":"//", "formats":[ { "fileId":16125823, "limitDownload":false, "downloadsAllowed":5, "downloaded":0, "fileExtension":"pdf", "fileExtensionDisplay":"PDF", "enabled":true, "downloadsRemaining":5 } ], "success":true, "errorMessage":null, "productUrl":"" }
Create a benefit order for a customer
*E-book productId. Identified by the proper format (PDF) in the product data
curl -X POST -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Postman-Token: d11acf18-d51f-812c-4e90-71f8f24c69d4" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW" -F "customerNumber=11125725" -F "productId=12262877" ""
{ "customerName":"Joel Verona Oliveira", "orderDate":"Jul 21, 2016", "orderNumber":"9004555895", "masterCustomerId":"11125725", "subCustomerId":0, "orderLineNumber":1, "productId":12262877, "productTitle":"Ready, Set, Curate (PDF)", "productSubTitle":"", "imgSrc":"//", "formats":[ { "fileId":12263002, "limitDownload":true, "downloadsAllowed":5, "downloaded":0, "fileExtension":"pdf", "fileExtensionDisplay":"PDF", "enabled":true, "downloadsRemaining":5 }, { "fileId":12870877, "limitDownload":true, "downloadsAllowed":5, "downloaded":0, "fileExtension":"epub", "fileExtensionDisplay":"EPUB", "enabled":true, "downloadsRemaining":5 }, { "fileId":12870880, "limitDownload":true, "downloadsAllowed":5, "downloaded":0, "fileExtension":"mobi", "fileExtensionDisplay":"Kindle", "enabled":true, "downloadsRemaining":5 } ], "success":true, "errorMessage":null, "productUrl":"" }
Create a free order for a customer
*E-book productId. Identified by the proper format (PDF) in the product data
curl -X POST -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Postman-Token: d11acf18-d51f-812c-4e90-71f8f24c69d4" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW" -F "customerNumber=11125725" -F "productId=12262877" ""
{ "customerName":"Joel Verona Oliveira", "orderDate":"Jul 21, 2016", "orderNumber":"9004555895", "masterCustomerId":"11125725", "subCustomerId":0, "orderLineNumber":1, "productId":12262877, "productTitle":"Ready, Set, Curate (PDF)", "productSubTitle":"", "imgSrc":"//", "formats":[ { "fileId":12263002, "limitDownload":true, "downloadsAllowed":5, "downloaded":0, "fileExtension":"pdf", "fileExtensionDisplay":"PDF", "enabled":true, "downloadsRemaining":5 }, { "fileId":12870877, "limitDownload":true, "downloadsAllowed":5, "downloaded":0, "fileExtension":"epub", "fileExtensionDisplay":"EPUB", "enabled":true, "downloadsRemaining":5 }, { "fileId":12870880, "limitDownload":true, "downloadsAllowed":5, "downloaded":0, "fileExtension":"mobi", "fileExtensionDisplay":"Kindle", "enabled":true, "downloadsRemaining":5 } ], "success":true, "errorMessage":null, "productUrl":"" }
Get customer digital orders - Benefits only
Add membership to shopping cart
The above URL adds a membership to the cart for the user "[email protected]", customerNumber 11191404.
Create a complementary order for a customer. It only creates the order if the user has access to the access group and if the product is eligible
*E-book productId. Identified by the proper format (PDF) in the product data
curl -X POST -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Postman-Token: d11acf18-d51f-812c-4e90-71f8f24c69d4" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW" -F "customerNumber=11125725" -F "productId=12262877" ""
{ "customerName":"Joel Verona Oliveira", "orderDate":"Jul 21, 2016", "orderNumber":"9004555895", "masterCustomerId":"11125725", "subCustomerId":0, "orderLineNumber":1, "productId":12262877, "productTitle":"Ready, Set, Curate (PDF)", "productSubTitle":"", "imgSrc":"//", "formats":[ { "fileId":12263002, "limitDownload":true, "downloadsAllowed":5, "downloaded":0, "fileExtension":"pdf", "fileExtensionDisplay":"PDF", "enabled":true, "downloadsRemaining":5 }, { "fileId":12870877, "limitDownload":true, "downloadsAllowed":5, "downloaded":0, "fileExtension":"epub", "fileExtensionDisplay":"EPUB", "enabled":true, "downloadsRemaining":5 }, { "fileId":12870880, "limitDownload":true, "downloadsAllowed":5, "downloaded":0, "fileExtension":"mobi", "fileExtensionDisplay":"Kindle", "enabled":true, "downloadsRemaining":5 } ], "success":true, "errorMessage":null, "productUrl":"" }
Retrieves the actual file
The above URL check if the user is allowed to download the file, create a log for user downloaded files, decrement the avilable downloads, and return the file location.
Retrieves Questionnaire based on the product code
The above URL gets all Questionnaire for passed Product ID and MasterCustomerID.
Creating an order with a passed Access Code
curl -X POST -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Postman-Token: d11acf18-d51f-812c-4e90-71f8f24c69d4" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW" -F "masterCustomerId=11125725" -F "accessCode=testcode" ""
{ "internalKey": null, "navigationKey": null, "isValid": true, "message": "
Retrieves Conference Event from ConferenceData based on the Location Id for the conference schedule
The above URL gets all Conference Event data for passed Location ID.